[Seminar Report] Online Seminar on “Climate Security in Conflict Settings” was held on August 30th, 2024.(30/08/2024)

[Seminar Report] Online Seminar on “Climate Security in Conflict Settings” was held on August 30th, 2024. As Climate Change becomes a growing concern on our daily life, in this seminar, we discussed how Climate Change was related to conflict and peacebuilding.

Climate Change affects the dynamism of conflict, while conflicts also cause the deterioration of environment. In this seminar, Dr. Naoyuki Okano (Policy Researcher, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)) and Mr. Koji Sakane (Director, GPAJ) explained the current development on Climate Security issues and discussed how we could cope with Climate Change to reduce risks of conflicts.

Dr. Okano explained how IGES has been involved in Climate Security issues, and developed its analysis of Climate Security, especially in relation with other security concepts, such as national security and human security, and introduced current discussions on UN Security Council and UNFCCC COP28. He also explained further issues to be addressed, such as analysis on climate and security nexus and roles and responsibility of stakeholders, like those actors on diplomacy, development and peacebuilding.


Mr. Sakane explained the relation between conflict and climate issues, and introduced current activities on climate adaptation measures to reduce conflict risks and ways for mitigation.


After presentation, discussions were made among participants. Many of them showed their interests on arguments at UN Security Council, competing views among developed and developing countries on responsibility of Climate Change and right of development, causal link between climate and conflicts, and potential risk countries for climate security.(30/08/2024)

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