The Japanese Parliamentary Commission for World Federation (JPCWF), composed of bipartisan members of the Japanese Diet, was held on May 15, 2019 in the Conference Room of the House of Councilors. Mr. Seishirō ETO, the chairman of the Parliamentary Commission, gave opening remarks and briefings for the General Assembly, and Ms. Kuniko INOGUCHI, the standing member of the Parliamentary Commission, acted as a moderator. Major political parties were represented by senior members who included Mr. Bunmei IBUKI of the Liberal Democratic Party and former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Tetsuro FUKUYAMA, Secretary-General of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, Mr. Yuichiro TAMAKI, the Leader of the Democratic Party for the People (DPFP), Mr. Masahiko INOUE, Vice President of the Komeito, Mr. Akira SAKAI, Japanese Communist Party Policy Chairman, and Ms. Mizuho FUKUSHIMA, Social Democratic Party Policy Chairperson. Mr. Masahiko SHIBAYAMA, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology provided his comments. The Japan Commission on Global Governance (JCG) was then established, and former United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Representative Sukehiro Hasegawa was appointed its chairman.

Mr. Masakuni Tanimoto, Secretary-General of the Japan Commission on Global Governance (JCG) moderated the session. Mr. Sukehiro Hasegawa, former Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Timor-Leste, made his opening remarks followed by several experts who spoke briefly about the five global issues.
- UN Reform – Yasuhiro Ueki, Former United Nations Spokesman and Professor of Sofia University
- Rule of Law – Yasunobu Sato, Professor, University of Tokyo
- Parliamentary Diplomacy – Kenichi Suzuki, Director, International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP)and Seishu Makino, Former Senior Vice Minister of Economy Trade and Industry
- Environment – Daikan Oki, Senior Assistant Secretary-General and Vice Rector, United Nations University and Kazuo Takahashi, Director for External Relations, Japan Academic Association for the United Nations
- International Solidarity Levy – Kotaro Katsuki, Director for Global Issues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Director for SDGs Promotion Round Table
- Disarmament – Takashi Genda, Professor, National Defense University and Tatsuro Kunugi, former Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations
It was noted that the purpose of the Japan Commission on Global Governance (JCG) is to enhance the process and effectiveness of global governance. The JCG will establish working groups to examine critical issues of global concern and present recommendations to the Chair of the Commission. The JCG will then compile a report by the end of March 2020 and submit it to the Japanese Parliamentary Commission for World Federation, the Diet of Japan.
The list of participants of the Japanese Parliamentary Commission held on May 15, 2019, in the Conference Room of the House of Councilors, the Diet of Japan, is shown below in Japanese.
事務局長 谷本真邦
1. まずはこの会に御参加いただいた多くの国会議員、政府・国際機関関係者そして各界の学識経験者についてご報告いたします。このグローバルガバナンス推進委員会の趣旨が日本国内外でより広く理解していただけるよう情報の共有することをしていただくようお願いいたします。(敬称略・順不同)
(1) 国会委員会 ~プログラム~
司会: 猪口邦子(世連国会委 常任理事)
開会挨拶・総会議事説明: 衛藤征士郎(世連国会委 会長)
各党代表挨拶(世連国会委 役員):
自民民主党 伊吹文明
立憲民主党 福山哲郎
国民民主党 玉木雄一郎
公明党 井上義久
日本共産党 笠井亮
社会民主党 福島瑞穂
コメント: 柴山昌彦(文科大臣)
自民 衆 逢沢一郎、伊吹文明、衛藤征士郎(会長)、亀岡偉民、柴山昌彦、中村裕之、本田太郎
参 猪口邦子
立民 衆 阿部知子、逢坂誠二、長谷川嘉一
参 川田龍平、福山哲郎
国民 衆 玉木雄一郎、西岡秀子
公明 衆 井上義久
共産 衆 笠井亮
社民 参 福島瑞穂
元職/元経産副大臣 牧野聖修(世連協会理事)
自民 衆 井上信治、大塚高司、西村明宏、西村康稔、宮澤博行、吉川貴盛
立憲 衆 道下大樹
参 石橋通宏 、赤松広隆
公明 衆 浮島智子
共産 参 倉林明子、山添拓
無所属 衆 笠浩史 柚木道義
維新 衆 馬場伸幸
(2) グローバルガバナンス推進委員会第一回会合~プログラム~
国連改革:植木安弘 元国連本部広報局・上智大学教授
法の支配:佐藤安信 東京大学大学院教授
議員外交:鈴木賢一 アジア政党国際会議政党事務局部長、牧野聖修 元経産副大臣
環境問題:沖大幹 国連大学上級副学長・国連事務次長補、高橋一生 国連学会主任
国際連帯税:甲木浩太郎 外務省地球規模課題総括課長・政府SDGs推進円卓会議事務局長
軍縮、AI兵器:源田孝 元防衛大教授、功刀達朗 元国連事務次長補・元国連大学客員教授
コメント: 猪口邦子 参議院議員、阿部知子 衆議院議員
※出席(敬称略 順不同)
長谷川祐弘 元国連事務総長特別代表・日本国際平和構築協会理事長
長岡寛介 外務省総合外交政策局参事官・大使
大八木小夜 外務省総合外交政策局政策企画室
甲木浩太郎 外務省地球規模課題総括課長
篠原信州 外務省地球規模総括課長補佐
大萩明日香 文部科学省国立教育政策研究所
沖大幹 国連大学上級副学長・国連事務次長補
近藤哲夫 国連開発計画駐日代表
田口晶子 国際労働機関駐日事務所長
早水研 日本ユニセフ協会専務理事
佐藤安信 東京大学大学院教授
高橋一生 国連学会主任・元国連大学客員教授
源田孝 元防衛大教授・幹部学校教官
功刀達朗 元国連事務次長補・国連大学客員教授
黒澤啓 元JICA幹部・共立女子大学教授
久山純弘 元国連事務次長補・国連協会理事
山崎節子 元国連開発計画カントリーディレクター・京都大学特任教授
井上健 元国連民主化ガバナンス部長・JICAシニアアドバイザー
水野孝昭 元朝日新聞論説委員・神田外語大学教授
石塚勝美 共栄大学教授
熊谷奈緒子 国際大学准教授
田辺圭一 東海大学准教授
宮越太郎 ブラッドフォード大学
植木安弘 元国連本部広報局・上智大学教授
マイヤリーヒテ 東京大学大学院
鈴木賢一 アジア政党国際会議政党事務局部長
篠原祥哲 世界宗教者平和会議
神谷昌道 アジア宗教者平和会議シニアアドバイザー
小林龍雄 人類愛善会(宗教法人大本)
杉浦秀典 賀川豊彦記念資料館副館長・賀川関連団体連絡協議会事務局長
田中徹二 グローバル連帯税フォーラム代表
白須紀子 日本リザルツ代表
井上裕史 大塚製薬国際部長
栗脇啓 公益財団法人味の素ファンデーション
小柴厳和 三菱UFJリサーチ&コンサルティング
森淳一郎 アライアンスフォーラム財団
今川昌之 武田薬品官民連携室長
安藤由紀子 東京新聞記者
横江信義 世連協会員(ワールドパーラメント・ムーブメント)
野田武志 世連協会事務局長
山内健人 世連協会スタッフ
瀧川泰世 世連協会スタッフ
笠間大世 世連協会スタッフ
進士和花 世連学生代表
2. 意見交換と提言の提出
Greetings to you!
You are well aware that the whole world is going through a very dangerous phase due to climate change, terrorism, war, violence, hatred, killing, hunger, poverty, disease, unemployment and anti people policies in major democracies and so on. It is the primary duty of everyone to ensure that we leave behind a safe and secure world for our future generations.
Since we are really concerned about the people and the planet, we have designed a program called “Neighbourhood Parliaments” where the people at the Neighbourhood level are engaged on effective intervention to address all the above issues at local level as well as at the global level. We have proved that these Neighbourhood Parliaments are very successful specially the Children Parliaments and Youth Parliaments.
This new innovative system of governance is called “Neighborocracy”. Neighborocracy is where every individual, even the last person will have an assertive say and active participation in day to day governance and this is an alternative system of governance to the present democracy where ordinary majority people do not have any voice at all except voting once in four or five years.
If you are interested to start this program in your own areas and in your country and if you want to know more about Neighborocracy and how it functions I will send you the details. Let us work together to save the people and the planet. Let us do some justice to our future generations.
My email address:
My Mobile No:
+91 9444141032
Thank you and God bless
With best wishes
Joseph Rathinam
International Coordination
Congratulations for your initiative of more direct democracy at the local level, albeit under the awkwardly mixed title of “neighbourocracy.” However, this is feasible only at the communal level where people have more direct and equal access to information on the issues involved. The higher the stage in multi-level governance ( from local to provincial, national, regional and notably global), the more complex the issues, the more dependence on mass media monopolies and the wider the impact of decisions. Hence, you need qualified representation, higher expertise and even capable technocracy to govern at national, regional and in particular at the global level. Effective global governance has to embrace not only “nations” (“国” in Japanese translation; cf. “United Nations” based on the expiring multi-lateral Westphalian System of “sovereignty”) but all accountable stakeholders, omnibus i.e. for and by all. Such stakeholder democracy (already incremental in the COP process on climate change) gains its legitimacy through the involvement in its deliberations also of accountable civil society and responsible corporations (incl. GAFA, BATX etc.), call it omni-lateralism.