Ambassador Kenzo Oshima on the Prospect for UN Reform (16/06/2015)

 Ambassador Oshima in his one-hour presentation to the participants of a peacebuilding seminar held at Hosei University on May 30, 2015 appraised some important achievements made in the ‘Outcome Document’ of September 2005, on the occasion of the summit meeting commemorating the UN 50th anniversary. They included the establishment of Peace-building Commission (PBC), the Human Rights Council (UNHRC), and the formal launching of new concepts such as ‘Responsibility to Protect’ and ‘Human Security’. (Click here for the rest.)


Professor Zhang Guihong: China’s Participation in and Contributions to UN Peace Operations (15th June 2015)

 Zhang Guihong is a senior research professor of the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University, a leading center of research on China’s emerging role on the world stage. The Institute contains a number of research centers covering the various regions of the world, as well as the Centre for Chinese Foreign Policy Studies. Click here his PowerPoint slides on China’s participation and contributions to UN peace operations.


ACUNS Holds Pre-Launch Discussion of Commission Report on Global Security, Justice and Governance in The Hague (11th June 2015)

 A pre-launch discussion, organized by Richard Ponzio, Head of the Global Governance Program, The Hague Institute for Global Justice and Project Director, Commission on Global Security, Justice & Governance, took place at the Hague Institute of Global Justice on 11 June 2015. Five experts examined the findings and recommendations of the Commission. Click here more about the pre-launch meeting.


Professor Hasegawa meets former President Xanana Gusmão (22nd May 2015)

 During his visit to Timor-Leste from 20 to 23 May, Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa, former Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Timor-Leste, met with former President Xanana Gusmão who is currently Mentoring Minister and Minister for Strategic Planning and Investment. President Gusmão and Professor Hasegawa talked for nearly two hours about various developments taking place in Timor-Leste and the world.


KOPERNIK Growing Rapidly to Help Poor People in Sustainable Manner (19th May 2015)

 Mr. Toshihiro Nakamura, Co-founder and CEO of the KOPERNIK and his staff met with Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa and explained how the KOPERNIK works by sourcing, connecting & reinvesting in simple technology for poor people. According to Mr. Nakamura, the value of KOPERNIK technology transfer to poor people has been growing at a rapid rate of 45 per cent a year since the Kopernik was established 5 years ago, Among staff of 80 people, five Australian volunteers are contributing a great deal to the planning and management of Kopernik operations. Please click here to access the KOPERNIK homepage.