In his lecture at Yale University and in an interview with the International Peace Institute, Professor Daisaku Higashi elaborated on his views on peacebuilding. For his IPI interview article, please access here.
Duncker: Japanese women occupy more than twice the number of professional positions in UN peacekeeping missions (27/02/2016)
Mr. Anthony Duncker, Deputy Director of the Field Personnel Division of the United Nations explains how recruitment of qualified personnel is carried out for UN peacekeeping and special political missions.
IOM Chief Swing: Global competition for labor is intense (26/02/2016)
At an international workshop held in Shinagawa City, Tokyo, Ambassador William Swing, IOM Director-General advised the Japanese workplace needs to attract more diverse and competent labor in order to compete effectively in global market. Please click here for his full speech.
Hasegawa: New approach needed for addressing the new problem not envisioned before. (24/02/2016)
Professor Hasegawa called upon Japan to continue pursuing “a honored place” in the international community pledged at the time of Japan`s entry to the United Nations in 1956. Please click here for TV program recording.
IOM Chief Swing explains the implication of massive population move into the European Union (24/02/2016)
Director-General William Swing of the International Organization for Migration calls for more humanitarian compassion in responding to the crisis situation.
Shimotomai: Putin successful in dealing with the changing parameters of international relations and restoring Russia’s status as a global power (06/02/2016)
Professor Shimotomai of Hosei University suggests the inclusion of Putin in the Ise Shima G7 Summit for him and other summit participants to find solutions to the Ukraine and Syria crises.
Library Talk: Japan’s Development Assistance – Foreign Aid and the Post-2015 Agenda (29/01/2016)
JICA Vice President Hiroshi Kato asserted that Japan maintained its “consistent” characteristics of its bilateral aid, with its emphasis on socioeconomic infrastructure and human resource developments aimed at poverty reduction, despite of repeated changes in the ODA Charter in 1992, 2003 and 2015.
Hasegawa calls for change in the mind-set of the leaders and people for the task of nation building (25/01/2016)
At a panel discussion held in Oslo on transitional justice experience of Timor-Leste, former SRSG Hasegawa acknowledged successful peacebuilding of Timor-Leste and then pointed out the need for national leaders and people to change yet again their mind-set and mentality for nation building as its requirement differs from peacebuilding.
Ana Pessoa: Justice ought to bring people together, unify societies rather than increase tension (25/01/2016)
Former Minister and Prosecutor General of Timor-Leste Ana Pessoa Pinto asserted criminal prosecution should not be the sole focus of transitional justice. Justice has to promote, not disrupt unity. Please click here for her full statement and panel discussants’ views.
English Version of the Chega! Report Launched in Oslo (25/01/2016)
In cooperation with Bishop Gunnar Johan Stålsett and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre (NOEF) held the European launch of the English version of the Chega! Report of the Timor-Leste Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation. Please click here for a summary record of the Oslao launch meeting.