Former UN High Commissioner for Refugees and Prime Minister of Portugal is most favored to succeed Ban Kim-moon as the next Secretary-General of the United Nations. For a detailed written and oral report of the selection process, please also access here.
Hasegawa delivers a lecture on the implications of changes taking place in the international structure (27/08/2016)
At JCK Youth Forum, Professor Hasegawa referred to Kissinger and TV Paul’s views on changing of the world order and the need to accommodate rising powers peacefully. (Photo:
Ms. Shoko Noda shares her experiences and views on leadership as a UN Resident Coordinator in the Maldives (12/08/2016)
For a detailed explanation of the Resident Coordinator’s roles and functions, please click here.
African peace training chiefs meet in Cairo “On the Road to Nairobi for Partnerships in Training & Capacity Building in Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding” (13-14/07/2016)
In preparation for the first TICAD conference to be held in Africa in August, Directors of African peace training centers met and recommended a joint needs assessment with Japan and UN and called for more national ownership.
ACUNS Workshop 4 debates “Peacekeeping, Stabilization, and the Rule of Law: Practices and Lessons Learned” (17/06/2016)
Ai Kihara-Hunt of University of Essex presented her paper “Needed or Bargained: The Rise of United Nations Formed Police Units” and questioned the necessity of rapid increase in engagement of Formed Police Units in UN peace operations.
UN Official explains a Triangular Partnership Project aimed at enhancing the Rapid Deployment of Engineering Capabilities of African Countries (13/07/2016)
According to Harinder Sood of DPKO, Japan has responded positively HIPPO and C34 suggestions to strengthen African capacities to deploy peacekeeping forces rapidly.
Hasegawa quotes Mandela and Sun Tzu in explaining peacebuilding leadership (14/07/2016)
At the Cairo meeting in preparation for TICAD Conference in Nairobi, Professor Hasegawa noted the significance of Japan’s triangular support of African Rapid Deployment of Engineering Capabilities (ARDEC) and UN Regional Signals Academy. (Photo:
Egyptian minister notes the linkage between the regional and the global dimension in the maintenance of international peace and security (13/07/2016)
Egyptian Deputy Assistant Foreign Minister for United Nations Affairs Amr Aljowaily emphasized the need for partnerships and capacity building initiatives for the North African Regional Brigade (NARC), one of the five regional capabilities of the African Standby Force (ASF).
Obama Revises Again His Afghan Exit Strategy (06/07/2016)
In NHK World News, Professor Daisaku Higashi presented his analysis on Obama’ decision to keep more American troops in Afghanistan after he leaves the office, lest Afghanistan will be taken over by the Taliban. You can see the interview by Professor Higashi in the link below:
Importance of Local Ownership in Peacebuilding Emphasized at CCCPA Conference in Cairo (13/07/2016)
Lieutenant Colonel Norihisa Urakami of US Army War College advocates providing advanced technology and intelligence support to counter trans-national crimes, extremism and human-trafficking and other immediate threats to peace and security in Africa.