Stimson Scholar Berg Mentions Declining Share of UN Peacekeeping Operations.

In his comment on the New Agenda for Peace, Mr. Robert Berg pointed out that the UN’s share in peacekeeping globally has been declining. The major powers want competent but not dynamic leadership at the top of the United Nations. While the constraints put on the Secretary-General are considerable, including little financial resources available, Berg found that Guterres has rightly placed his attention on overcoming the deficits of UN peacekeeping in Africa. Please click here for the full text of his speech.


Online Discussion Meeting on the New Agenda for Peace Saturday, 19 August at 9:00 p.m. Tokyo time

In his opening speech to the online meeting of former UN Special Representatives and Ambassadors to the United Nations, Professor Tshilidzi MARWALA, Rector of the UN University, warned about “the weaponization of new and emerging technologies.” MARWALA also pointed out that the rapid “developments in artificial intelligence and quantum technology-related weapons systems are exposing the insufficiency of existing global governance frameworks.” In concluding his opening remarks, MARWALA echoed the call made by Secretary-General António Guterres “to explore, formulate, and present to the UN and its member states to take concrete actions to prevent the weaponization of emerging technologies and promote their responsible application.” Please click here for the full text of his opening remarks.


Asian Perspectives: Making, Keeping and Sustaining Peace (21/06/2023)

The following is a summary of statements made at the ACUNS Annual Meeting by the heads of the three academic associations of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, namely Ms. HU Wenli, Vice-President and Director-General of UNA-China, Professor YAMADA Tetsuya of Nanzan University and President of the Japanese Association of the United Nations Studies (JAUNS); and Professor Dong Ju CHOI, President of the Korea Academic Council on the UN System (KACUNS). It also reflects the comment made by ACUNS Vice President and President-elect, Professor Franz Baumann, and the concluding remarks made by Professor HASEGAWA Sukehiro, Director of ACUNS Tokyo Liaison Office and Distinguished Professor of Kyoto University of the Arts.


National Diet Members discussed the proposals for realistic and long-term reform made by Prof. Sukehiro Hasegawa. (01/06/2023)

The representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party, Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, Komeito, Japan Restoration Party, Communist Party, and Democratic Party for the People expressed their views on the proposals for realistic and long-term reform made by Mr. Sukehiro Hasegawa, President of the GPAJ and Chairman of the Advisory Commission on Global Governance. This meeting was convened and chaired by Mr. Seishiro ETO, Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee of the National Diet of Japan for World Federalism. Mr. Mitsuo Ohashi, President of the World Federation Movement Association, a civil society organization, also attended the meeting. Please click here for an unofficial record of the meeting written in Japanese.


Suggestion for UN Reform and Strengthening

On May 17, 2023, ETO Seishiro, Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party’s United Nations Reform Examination Committee, requested Prime Minister KISHIDA, Chairman of the G7 summit of developed countries, to recommend UN reform. Members of the committee accompanied him. Prime Minister KISHIDA said he would work with President Biden to strengthen the functions of the United Nations, especially the reform of the Security Council and the expansion of its members. Please click here for the full text of the recommendations.

From left to right: ISHIBA Shigeru, SHIMOMURA Hakubun, YAMATANI Eriko, NAKASONE Hirofumi, ENDO Toshiaki, ETO Seishiro(Chair), KISHIDA Fumio(Prime Minister)、INOGUCHI Noriko(Secretary-General), FUNADA Hajime, YAMAGUCHI Tsuyoshi、KAMIKAWA Yoko, HORII Iwao, NAKATANI Gen.