At Y7 Summit at Waseda University, youth delegates from G7 countries discussed, inter alia, how international security could be maintained.
Professor Kyu-dok Hong opens First East Asian Forum on UN Peace Operations in Seoul (22-23/04/2016)
Experts from Japan, China, Mongolia and Republic of Korea met and shared Lessons Learned from UNMISS operations and explored ways ahead.
JICA and NHK Staff explain Peacebuilding Efforts made in Srebrenica: 20 Years after the Massacre (16/04/2016)
In their presentations, Yamagishi of JICA and Kiraku of NHK explained what had happened with Serbs and Muslims of Srebrenica in their efforts to overcome their animosity and achieve reconciliation.
Komizo of Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation on “Epoch Making” visit by John Kerry and other G7 Foreign Ministers (12/04/2016)
Kerry: “It is a stark, harsh, compelling reminder not only of our obligation to end the threat of nuclear weapons, but to rededicate all our efforts to avoid war itself.”
Ramos-Horta on Rising Asia, Southeast Asia and Timor-Leste (14/04/2016)
In his speech at the University of Oxford, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Former President Ramos-Horta of Timor-Leste points out some leaders are not free from the legacy of colonialism, the World War II and money politics.
Japan should adopt its own idea and invite educated and motivated Syrian people for study and professional work (02/04/2016)
In the 2 April 2016 issue of Asahi Shimbun, Professor Hasegawa suggested that a paradigm shift for Japan to adopt a new way to solve a new problem. Please click here for full text in English.
Asian experts meet in Shanghai to deliver on three UN reviews carried out on peace operations in 2015 (23/03/2016)
President of UN General Assembly Mogens LYKETOFT asks for Asian perspectives from China, Cambodia, India, Japan and the Republic of Korea. Please click here for the program and participants of the regional consultation meeting.
Dr. Higashi insists on legitimacy and inclusion on peace-building at Yale and International Peace Institute in New York (21/03/2016)
In his lecture at Yale University and in an interview with the International Peace Institute, Professor Daisaku Higashi elaborated on his views on peacebuilding. For his IPI interview article, please access here.
Duncker: Japanese women occupy more than twice the number of professional positions in UN peacekeeping missions (27/02/2016)
Mr. Anthony Duncker, Deputy Director of the Field Personnel Division of the United Nations explains how recruitment of qualified personnel is carried out for UN peacekeeping and special political missions.
IOM Chief Swing: Global competition for labor is intense (26/02/2016)
At an international workshop held in Shinagawa City, Tokyo, Ambassador William Swing, IOM Director-General advised the Japanese workplace needs to attract more diverse and competent labor in order to compete effectively in global market. Please click here for his full speech.