Security Council adopted resolution 2378 (2017) affirming primary of politics following SG António Guterres` assertion UN peace operations must be deployed in support of preventive diplomatic efforts and not in place of them.

The primacy of protecting human security in difficult times discussed at the 7th Istanbul Human Security Conference (18-20/10/2017)
Dr. Math Noortmann from Coventry University delivers a keynote speech entitled, “Making Sense of Dignity in UN Documents: Understanding Political Discourse and Legal Interpretation.”

Former UN Under-Secretary-General Yasushi Akashi will open the first Annual Meeting of the Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan at Tokyo University Komaba Campus on 2 December 2017 (16/10/2017)
Ambassador Yoshifumi Okamura, Representative of the Government of Japan for the International Peace and Stability, will deliver the keynote speech on “New Challenges for Peace Operations in Africa”.

UNU Women’s Association reviews the changing nature of UN Peace Operations (10/10/2017)
Well planned and organized seminar is attended by 30-40 participants who asked about the changing roles of Japan in UN peace operations.

Ágio Pereira appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Maritime Boundary Negotiation (04/10/2017)
Minister Pereira`s appointment signifies PM Alkatiri and CNRT Leader Xanana Gusmao`s willingness to make a prudent approach in addressing Timor-Leste needs: peace, stability and accountable governance.

Mari Alkatiri becomes again the Prime Minister of Timor-Leste (01/10/2017)
Hasegawa expresses his hope that Prime Minister Alkatiri can succeed in not only governing the country peacefully but also transforming it into a self-reliant country without corruption.

Nature and level of DPRK military threat to Japan explained and debated at GPAJ seminar (30/09/2017)
Former Admiral and Professor of the National Defense Academy Takashi Genda explained the DPRK relies mostly in the development of nuclear and missile weapons for achieving the parity with the United States, its ultimate enemy, based on the Mutual Assurance for Destruction (MAD).

Seoul Meridian 180 Meeting Examines the Peacekeeping as a Response to Human Security Threats held at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea (28/09/2017)
Hasegawa presents Kibeho tragedy or massacre as an unintended consequence of the protection of civilians in theory and practice.

Peace mission leadership competencies discussed at the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centers (IAPTC) meeting held on November 13 in Cairo, Egypt. (27/09/2017)
Japanese Government Officials and Professor Hasegawa participate in the conference along with 250 specialists in PKO training from all over the world.

UN mission leadership competencies explained at the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centers (IAPTC) meeting held on November 13 in Cairo, Egypt. (27/09/2017)
Hasegawa explained UN mission leader needs to be “a right person at a right time” to help national and community leaders change their mindsets and building peace. (Photo: CCCPA)