Tokyo University Human Security Program Seminar on Rwanda (24/05/2017)
Ambassador Venitia Sebudandi will speak about the achievements made by Rwanda and challenges the country faces at Tokyo University Komaba Campus on 31 May 2017.
Ambassador Venitia Sebudandi will speak about the achievements made by Rwanda and challenges the country faces at Tokyo University Komaba Campus on 31 May 2017.
The 14th spring conference of the Japan Evaluation Society holds a thematic session to examine major issues and prospects of the governance systems in private and public sectors.
Former Ambassador to Thailand Seiji Kojima and Deputy-Director-General of the Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan Shigeki Takizaki will make their presentations on Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia on 10th June 2017.
Kihara-Hunt succeeds Professor Katsumi Ishizuka who had completed his term as the Secretary-General at the end of March and Mr. Shintaro Higashiyama who acted ad interim until his departure for Bangladesh on an IOM assignment.
UN Geneva Chief of Staff David Chikvaidze recalls the difficulty encountered in Georgia’s gaining its membership in the United Nations as the dramatic events of 1991-92 in Tbilisi had left a bad impression in key capitals.
In his keynote speech, Professor Hasegawa explained the changing nature of conflicts and stresses the importance of conflict prevention and resolution.
GPAJ President Hasegawa presented his concept of a communitarian autonomous peace at the meeting of CCCPA International Advisory Board held in Cairo, Egypt, on April 10, 2017.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres stressed in his policy speech in January 2017 to the Security Council that primary duty lies with member states for preventing conflict and sustaining peace.
At the meeting of CCCPA International Advisory Board, Director Ashraf Swelam identified newly “internationalized” conflicts and transboundary threats emerging in Africa and expressed his appreciation of support provided by Japan.
Japan`s support is much appreciated for Africa to develop and own its path to peace, security and stability.