This former Chamber of the Council of the League of Nations is now used by the UN Disarmament Commission which was first created in 1952 but met rarely until 1978 when the first special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament established a successor Disarmament Commission as a subsidiary deliberative body of the Assembly, composed of all Member States of the United Nations.

East Asian Scholars Starts Geneva Dialogue with the UN and International Organizations: Visit to Human Rights Council (16/07/2018)
Thirty-two scholars and students from Japan, China, Korea and Mongolia started their two- day dialogue with senior officials of UNOG, UNHCR, IOM, ICRC, UNHCHR and Geneva Graduate Institute on the theme of Human Rights, Migration and Peacebuilding in a Turbulent Age.

Roger Coate chosen as the new Chair of the Academic Council on the United Nations System. (14/07/2018)
In his meeting in Rome with senior officials of UN Associations of China, Japan and South Korea on July 14, Coate expressed his appreciation of active participation of scholars and experts from East Asia in the annual meetings of ACUNS and his desire to expand and deepen the relationship between ACUNS and the academic associations of East Asia.

ACUNS 2018 Annual Meetings starts in Rome (12/07/2018)
Professor Kihara-Hunt and her students and ACUNS Tokyo Office Event Staff Ms. Erika Frey join the participants from all over the world in the opening reception.

Concert and Democracy at Village Level in Switzerland (08/07/2018)
In Switzerland, concerts are held in magnificent auditoriums but also outdoors for villagers to attend and hear. Here is one of the concerts just held in the town of Wadenswil I went yesterday. About 100 people came and, alas, most of them turned out to be more than 60 years old. It`s an aging society here just like Japan. But, Switzerland is accepting foreigners who now constitute more than 30 percent of the population.

UN Budget Committee endorses a reform of the UN which enacts a major cut in UN peacekeeping budget. (02/07/2018)
According to a report filed by Susan Manuel of PASSBLUE, China`s influence on the process of constructing the new structure of UN peace and security architecture in growing. Please click here her report.

IOM’s Special Council Session elects Portugal’s Antonio Vitorino over Trump nominee as new IOM Director General. (29/06/2018)
As IOM’s current Director General, William Lacy Swing, steps down after completing the second of two five-year terms, the Special Council`s decisive rejection of the American candidate, Ken Isaacs, in the first round of voting, signaled a growing number of nations are no longer prepared to indefinitely defer to the power of the United States when human rights and values are assaulted by the current US Administration.

Mediation and Diplomacy Workshop held in Cairo with the participation of Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa, former Special Representative of the Secretary-General (28/06/2018)
CCCPA, in collaboration with the German Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF) organized a three-day peer coaching training workshop on “Mediation and Diplomacy” from 26-28 June 2018. The workshop aimed to enhance Arab and African capacities, at the regional and continental levels in mediation through sharing experience and best practices.

German Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF) plays an active role in strengthening cooperation among African and Arab states in addressing the challenges in peace operations. (28/06/2018)
Senior Officials of African Union and League of Arab States attended the workshop and heard a Discourse by President of Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan (GPAJ) Professor S. Hasegawa who stressed the importance of recognizing that Egyptian Civilization preceded two millennium the Civilizations that started in Greece and China.

German Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF) and CCCPA hold Peer Coaching “Mediation and Diplomacy” Training Workshop. (26-28/06/2018)
Senior Officials of African Union and League of Arab States attended the workshop and heard a Discourse by President of Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan (GPAJ) Professor S. Hasegawa on “Philosophy of Peacebuilding: East and West.”