Arbenita Sopaj visits Tokyo and has a Lunch Meeting at Arabian Restaurant with Board Members, Elizabeth Gamarra, Ken Inoue and Sukehiro Hasegawa on how to cope with expanding GPAJ membership. (01/10/2020)


GPAJ Member, Arbenita Sopaj visited Tokyo from Kobe University this week. Arbenita has been an active member of GPAJ as one of the moderators for the zoom conference on “The Impact of the UN Intervention on Contemporary Kosovo” featuring Ambassador Leon Malazogu and others. She held an informal lunch with Sukehiro Hasegawa, President of GPAJ, Ken Inoue, Vice President of GPAJ, Elizabeth Gamarra, member of the GPAJ Board.


Zhang Guihong:Future International Cooperation should pay More Attention to Human Security, Dignity, Equality and Freedom (23/09/2020)


In his article just published by China Daily on September 23, Director of the Research Center for United Nations and International Organizations of Fudan University, Professor Zhang Guihong, who is member of the Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan, recognizes the UN has a unique advantage in promoting universal values as well as global norms and ethics. Please click here for his full article.


Farewell Lunch for Former Vice President Mio Sato (20/09/2020)


GPAJ Vice President Mio Sato will be appointed as IOM Office Director in Pakistan next month, and her successor, GPAJ Vice President Kumagai, organized a farewell lunch. It was most enjoyable to have eight members get together at the restaurant for the first time in a long time and talk to each other directly. Yumiko Kaneko, a UNDP staff in the Philippines and a GPAJ member, joined us. From right: Ken Inoue, Vice President of GPAJ, Mio Sato, Director of IOM, Takaaki Mizuno, Professor of Kanda University of International Studies, Keiichi Tanabe, Professor of Tokai University, Yumiko Kaneko, UNDP staff, Sukehiro Hasegawa, GPAJ President, and Naoko Kumagai, Vice President and Professor at Aoyama Gakuin University.


Japan Diet Committee for World Federalist Movement, chaired by Secretary-General Masaharu Nakagawa, approves the action plan for Year 2020. (12/05/2020)


Three events proposed and approved by the Diet Committee for World Federalist Movement are (1) Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum (co-sponsored by the Diet Committee and the Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan), (2) the Commission on Global Governance continues to address global issues, e.g. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and gender empowerment, and (3) a signature movement to establish the United Nations Parliamentary Assembly.


Japanese Diet Committee for World Federalist Movement held its annual meeting on May 12, 2020 at the International Conference Hall of the House of Representative Members Office Building. It was chaired by Mr. Seishiro ETO and moderated by Mr. Masaharu NAKAGAWA, the Secretary-General. (12/05/2020)


自民党からは伊吹文明元衆議院議長と共に大西英男、左藤章、三原朝彦の3人の衆議院議員と猪口邦子と武見敬三参議院議員が出席した。公明党より井上義久副代表、立憲民主党からは代表として福山哲郎幹事長、そして中川正春と山川百合子の2人の衆議院議員が参加した。国民民主党からは玉木雄一郎代表と浅野哲衆議院議員、維新の会からは馬場伸幸幹事長、共産党からは笠井亮衆議院議員そして社会民主党 福島瑞穂 党首が参加された。