Professor Motoyoshi YOSHIKAWA, former ambassador to the United Nations, urges Japan to use the United Nations for national interests instead of idealizing it.(22/4/2024)


After World War II, Japan joined the United Nations with high hopes and ideals. Now, however, disappointment is spreading over the UN’s dysfunction. Professor Motoyoshi YOSHIKAWA, former ambassador to the United Nations, urges Japan to use the United Nations for national interests instead of idealizing it.

For more details, please refer to the article in Gakushikai Bulletin No. 9 (2024-II) by clicking here. (22/4/2024)


A former UN Assistant Secretary-General, Mr. Bill Paton, asserts that the war in Gaza lays bare, once again, the frightful arbitrariness of international justice.(21/4/2024)


A former UN Assistant Secretary-General, Mr. Bill Paton, asserts that the war in Gaza lays bare, once again, the frightful arbitrariness of international justice. International rule of law has always been about rule by great powers. If we want a more just and peaceful world, developing countries – constituting the global majority – must stand up and demand one law for all.

Please click here for his full paper. (21/4/202)


Ms. Akiko Noda, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and Director of the Crisis Bureau of the United Nations Development Programme, shared her views with the Japanese Parliamentary Committee of the World Federation.(5/4/2024)


Ms. Akiko Noda explained that UNDP has always been engaged in field-based projects before, during, and after conflicts, as well as before and after natural disasters, listening to and consulting with people, governments, and civil society on their concerns, and working together to create solutions for further development. For more information click here (5/4/2024)


Japanese Parliamentarians and Civil Society Participants had a Information Sharing Meeting on UN Security Council Reform. (06/10/2022)


The Global Governance Promotion Committee (chaired by Sukehiro Hasegawa) and the United Nations Reform Subcommittee (chaired by Takahiro Shinyo), which is a subordinate body of the Diet Committee for World Federalist Movements (Chairman Seishiro Eto and Secretary General Masaharu Nakagawa), held an information exchange meeting on “United Nations Security Council Reform” at the House of Representatives members’ meeting room on 6 October 2022. It was attended by more than 15 parliamentarians and several participants from government and civil society organizations. From the GPAJ Association, in addition to President Hasegawa and Ambassador Takahiro Shinyo, Ambassador Tadamichi Yamamoto and Professor Takaaki Mizuno attended. Click here for details.(Reported by Tanimoto)


Japan Diet Committee for World Federalist Movement, chaired by Secretary-General Masaharu Nakagawa, approves the action plan for Year 2020. (12/05/2020)


Three events proposed and approved by the Diet Committee for World Federalist Movement are (1) Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum (co-sponsored by the Diet Committee and the Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan), (2) the Commission on Global Governance continues to address global issues, e.g. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and gender empowerment, and (3) a signature movement to establish the United Nations Parliamentary Assembly.


Japanese Diet Committee for World Federalist Movement held its annual meeting on May 12, 2020 at the International Conference Hall of the House of Representative Members Office Building. It was chaired by Mr. Seishiro ETO and moderated by Mr. Masaharu NAKAGAWA, the Secretary-General. (12/05/2020)


自民党からは伊吹文明元衆議院議長と共に大西英男、左藤章、三原朝彦の3人の衆議院議員と猪口邦子と武見敬三参議院議員が出席した。公明党より井上義久副代表、立憲民主党からは代表として福山哲郎幹事長、そして中川正春と山川百合子の2人の衆議院議員が参加した。国民民主党からは玉木雄一郎代表と浅野哲衆議院議員、維新の会からは馬場伸幸幹事長、共産党からは笠井亮衆議院議員そして社会民主党 福島瑞穂 党首が参加された。