
Sukehiro HASEGAWA (長谷川 祐弘)
Current affiliation
・President, Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan (GPAJ)
・Chair, Japan Commission on Global Governance
・Executive Director for Academic Exchange, UN Association of Japan (UNA-Japan)
・Director, Academic Council on the United Nations (ACUNS) Tokyo Liaison Office
・Member of the Board of Directors, Earth Charter Japan Commission
・Counsellor of the National Federation of UNESCO Associations of Japan
・Chair, Council the Hiroshima Peacebuilders Center Human Resource Training Program
Activities in the Association
・President of the Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan (since 2017)
Professional history
・Professor, Department of Global Politics, Faculty of Law, Hosei University (2006-2013)
・Visiting Professor, United Nations University, Tokyo (2006-2013)
・Director, Japan Association for United Nations Studies (JAUNS) (2007-2016)
・Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Timor-Leste (2004-2006)
・UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Timor-Leste, Rwanda, Samoa, Niue, Tokelau, Cook Islands (2006-2002, 1995-1996, 1985-1987)
・UNDP Deputy Assistant Administrator for Asia and the Pacific (1996-1999)
・Director for Policy Planning (1994)
・Deputy Executive Coordinator, UN Volunteers Programme (1987-1993)
・UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Nepal, Indonesia (1979-80, 1981-84)
Academic training
・Ph.D in International Relations and Development, Washing University, St. Louis
・MA in International Public Administration, ICU, Tokyo
・BA in Political Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
・長谷川祐弘(2020)「国際連合の変遷する役割に関しての考察」『国連ジャーナル』. 2020年 春号. 日本国際連合協会:13-22頁.
・Hasegawa, Sukehiro (2019). “Stimmen zu Deutschland im Sicherheitsrat 2019/2010: Visionäre Fihrugngsrolle nötig,” in Zeitschrift für die Vereinten Nationen und ihre Sonderorganisationen, 2/19 (Deutsche Gesellscnaft fur die Vereinten Nationen e.V.), p.74. ISSN: 0042-384X
・長谷川祐弘(2019)「日中韓国連会長会議―千玄室会長が個人と国家の融和に必要性を説く」『国連ジャーナル』. 2019年 春号. 日本国際連合協会:16-34頁.
・長谷川祐弘(2018)『国連平和構築――紛争のない世界を築くために何が必要か――』. 日本評論社.
・長谷川祐弘(2018)「転機にきた日中韓と国連との関係」『国連ジャーナル』. 2018年 春号. 日本国際連合協会:21-44頁.
・Hasegawa, Sukehiro. (March 2017). Meeting of Heads of UN Association of Japan, China and Korea – Improved Selection Process for the Secretary-General of the United Nations and Discussion of Conflict Prevention of Japan, China and Korea. United Nations Journal. The United Nations Association of Japan: 15-25.
・Hasegawa, Sukehiro. (2016). Post-Conflict Leadership– Key to Sustainable Peace and Development. UN Chronicle. New York.
・Hasegawa, Sukehiro (2015). Japan and the United Nations: Its Past, Present and Future. In Hiroshi Kato et. al. eds. Japan’s Development Assistance: Foreign Aid and the Post-2015 Agenda. Palgrave Macmillan: 239-254.
・Hasegawa, Sukehiro. (2013). Primordial Leadership: Peacebuilding and National Ownership in Timor-Leste. Tokyo: UN University Press.
・Hasegawa, Sukehiro. (2010). “The 20 and the United Nations in Global Economic Governance,” Korean Journal of International Organizations, Vol.5 No.1.