Takakazu Ito explained the emergence of triangular partnership in UN peace operations, while Herman Salton found diplomatic and bureaucratic power play at the UN during the Rwandan crisis. (17/11/2018)


Takakazu Ito, Senior Programme Officer, Department for Field Support, United Nations made a presentation “Triangular Partnership to strengthen UN Peacekeeping Operations” and Herman Salton, Associate Professor of ICU on “Dangerous Diplomacy: Bureaucracy, Power Politics, and the Role of the UN Secretariat in Rwanda.” (Reported by Maja Liechti)


UNDEF Deputy Executive Head Mikiko SAWANISHI stressed “democracy” is a universal value based on the freely expressed will of people to determine their political, economic, social and cultural systems as stated in the World Summit Outcome Document 2005. (01/11/2018)


Key points made during the discussion included the importance for UNDEF to sustain universal value, efficiency in execution of its programs and activities; to assist the institution building; to encourage local, national and regional ownership in democratization process. There was a consensus that Japan should support financially and technically the democratization process and sustaining democratic principles of governance.