[UN Official Stephen Kinloch-Pichat] Remembering UN Volunteer Atsuhito NAKATA in midst of the COVID-19 crisis by (10/04/2020)


The 27th anniversary of the tragic ambush in Kampong Thom is being commemorated in midst of one of the largest planetary disasters in the last century, the COVID-19 pandemic. This extraordinary situation brings former UN Volunteer Electoral Supervisors, who on 8 April remembered the tragic killing of Atsuhito Nakata and his fellow interpreter Lek Sophiep, back to the very meaning of what took their lives, and gave them, back then, a renewed sense of optimism: at the heart of their UN engagement, what gave them the strength to continue in the face of adversity, the spirit of international cooperation, and going beyond self-interest.


Chair and the Secretary-General of the Japanese Diet Committee for the World Federalist Movement, Seishiro ETO and Haruhiko NAKAGAWA advisory recommendations submitted on how Japan can enhance its global leadership role (09/04/2020)


Chair of the Japan Commission for Global Governance, Professor Sukehiro HASEGAWA accompanied by Mr. Masakuni TANIMOTO submitted its summary report, entitled “the role of Japan in enhancing global governance in addressing global issues and crises” which contained the recommendations made by six sub-committees concerning UN Reform, Environment, Disarmament, Parliamentary Diplomacy, Innovative Resources Mobilization, and Rule of Law.