NPO Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan issues its Report 2018 (09/06/2018)
President, Vice Presidents and Auditors Elected by the Board of Directors, New Secretary-General Appointed. Please click here for details.
President, Vice Presidents and Auditors Elected by the Board of Directors, New Secretary-General Appointed. Please click here for details.
At the 30th Seminar held on Saturday, 26 May 2018 at Tokyo University Komaba Campus, GPAJ members asked the Ambassador how Slovenia gained independence from ex-Yugoslavia and how Slovenia is deal with the mass inflow of refugees and migrants.
Timorese Embassy Counselor Nuno ALVES made a detailed presentation on the political and economic developments since 2008, followed by Daisuke Nihei of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan who provided an analysis of votes received by respective political parties on May 12, 2018. (Report filed by Denishi Joshi)
As the Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan holds a special session on the outcome of the national elections, Chairman of the AMP Xanana Gusmão sends his message affirming the commitment of Timorese political leaders to democratic governance. Please click here for his message.
UN report on improving the security of all peacekeepers is viewed as pushing overwhelming and aggressive operations making the UN party to conflict and potentially undermining the security of both UN personnel and the civilians they are meant to protect. Here is her article.
You can access (1) the latest provisional program from here and (2) the latest administrative and logistics information (as of 10/JUL/2018) from here. If you are interested in participating, please contact ACUNS Tokyo Deputy Director, Associate Professor Ai Kihara-Hunt. Her e-mail address is kiharahunt[*] (Please change [*] to @ when sending an email).
Slovenia became an independent country on June 25, 1991, and currently it is considered the most advanced among nation states born out of the former Yugoslavia but it still faces many challenges. Timor-Leste regained its sovereignty in 2005 and adopted its democratic form of governance but its democratic institutions remain fragile. The counselor will explain the outcome of May 12 national assembly elections.
António Guterres also calls for strong partnerships beyond the United Nations and a broad and inclusive approach with international financial institutions including the World Bank, and other multilateral donors, the business community, civil society and local actors.
In their discussion of protection of civilians (POC) issues, East Asian groups examined the Kigali Principle and Cruz Report, and recommended that four countries should strengthen the coordination of their pre-deployment and on-site POC activities while noting progress made by the annual Khan Quest operations exercise in Mongolia.
At the request of Mr. Seishiro ETO, Chairman of both Committees, the President of the Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan explained the development of UN reform efforts carried out by Secretaries-General of the United Nations, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Kofi Annan, Ban Ki-moon and António Guterres.