[Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum 2019] Ambassador Laurent PIC says France is a strong supporter of the UN and the second-largest supplier of troops of the five permanent members of the Security Council. (02/11/2019)


Ambassador of France to Japan, H.E. Mr. Laurent PIC said that French contributions to UN peacekeeping operations (PKOs) reflects France`s strong commitment to the peaceful resolution of conflicts. The Department of Peace Operations headed by a senior French official, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, was carrying out vital peacekeeping activities. With threats to peace in the world proliferating and crises growing increasingly complex, France provided the UN with several hundred troops that were deployed on the ground in several peacekeeping operations.


Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum Opens with More than 50 Scholars and Experts participating from Japan, China, India, France, Germany, Italy and other European Countries and the United States. (02/11/2019)


Mr. Masakuni TANIMOTO opened the Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum 2019. He then asked the participants to join him in paying tribute to Madame Sadako OGATA who had passed away. He then showed two video messages received from Nobel Peace Prize Winner President Jose Ramos-Horta and Mr. Domenec DeVessa of Spain, member of the European Parliament.


[Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum 2019] Thematic Session 3. S.M. Share, Zhang Guihong and Vesselin Popovski will speak on the need to review UN Charter and reconstitute the UN principal organs. (27/10/2019)


In the Thematic Session 3, under the chairmanship of Ambassador Takahiro SHINYO, Dr. Shahr-Yar Mahmoud Sharei, Executive Director of the Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR) will discuss the San Francisco Promise and Article 109 for the UN Charter view, while Professor Zhang Guihong, Director of Center for UN Studies at Fudan University in Shanghai will call for replacement of the Trusteeship Council by the Human Rights Council and Professor Vesselin Popovski of Jindal University in India will propose upgrading of the Peacebuilding Commission.