“UN Reform & the Summit of the Future” by Dr. Richard Ponzio (16/12/2022)


Dr. Ponzio explained the significance of the Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’s Our Common Agenda (OCA) report issued in 2021. He identified major goals for addressing global governance challenges, notably conflict prevention and management for building peace, COVID-19, representation, and human rights promotion, climate action and governing the global commons, promoting a collaborative economy and global public goods, and confronting the implications from rapid development of AI technology. Please view the video recording.


Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum 2022: “Critical Assessment of Japan’s Policy on Refugees and Migrants” (12/11/2022


The second session of the Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum 2022 was held to make a “Critical assessment of Japan’s policy on refugees and migrants”. Mr. Ken Inoue, Vice President of GPAJ, moderated the session, and Mr. Akio Nakayama, former Country Director, IOM Myanmar, and Ms. Khadiza Begum, Area coordinator of “Online learning support for Rohingya children in Tatebayashi City”. Please read more in detail.


Japanese Parliamentarians and Civil Society Participants had a Information Sharing Meeting on UN Security Council Reform. (06/10/2022)


The Global Governance Promotion Committee (chaired by Sukehiro Hasegawa) and the United Nations Reform Subcommittee (chaired by Takahiro Shinyo), which is a subordinate body of the Diet Committee for World Federalist Movements (Chairman Seishiro Eto and Secretary General Masaharu Nakagawa), held an information exchange meeting on “United Nations Security Council Reform” at the House of Representatives members’ meeting room on 6 October 2022. It was attended by more than 15 parliamentarians and several participants from government and civil society organizations. From the GPAJ Association, in addition to President Hasegawa and Ambassador Takahiro Shinyo, Ambassador Tadamichi Yamamoto and Professor Takaaki Mizuno attended. Click here for details.(Reported by Tanimoto)


Peace Bell Ceremony was held at Meiji Jingu Shrine (21/09/2022)


The International Day of Peace is observed in Tokyo on 21 September and the Peace Bell Ceremony was held at Meiji Jingu Shrine with the attendance of Governor Yuriko KOIKE of the Tokyo Metropolitan City who expressed her appreciation of the significance of holding it in Tokyo. Professor Sukehiro HASEGAWA, Chair of the Organizing Committee noted in his opening remarks that “achieving peace rests with the spirit of respecting and accommodating each other`s differences.”