Guihong ZHANG
・Director of Center for United Nations Studies at Fudan University in Shanghai ・Vice President and Secretary General of Shanghai UN Research Association
・Two possibilities of the reform of the UN Trusteeship Council (presentation at Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum, 2 December 2019)
・Professor at Institute of International Studies at Fudan University (2016-)
・Member of Executive Board, United Nations Association of China (2015)
・Vice President and Secretary-General, Shanghai United Nations Research Association (2013-)
・University of Washington (2010)
・Monterey Institute of International Studies, University of Georgia (2008)
・Monterey Institute of International Studies, University of Georgia (2008)
・USA, and ASIA Fellow at Jawaharlal Nehru University as well as Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (2004-2005)
・Visiting scholar at the Henry L. Stimson Centre (2002-2003)
・Ph.D from Fudan University (2003)
・ZHANG Guihong et al (2019). China and the United Nations, Jiangsu People Press.
・ZHANG Guihong ed. (2019). The United Nations and Peace Operations, Current Affairs Press.
・ZHANG Guihong ed. (2017). China and the United Nations in Global Governance, Current Affairs Press.
・ZHANG Guihong (2016). Strong UN, Better World. Current Affairs Press.
・ZHANG Guihong ed. (2016). The United Nations and International Rule of Law. Current Affairs Press.
・ZHANG Guihong ed. (2015). The United Nations and South-South Cooperation. Current Affairs Press.