Seminar Announcement Online Seminar on Sudan will be held on September 26 (Thursday). (10/09/2024)

Seminar Announcement


Online Seminar on Sudan will be held on September 26 (Thursday). If you wish to attend, please register by September 23 through the following site:


Seminar details:

[Seminar Title] “Sudan: Current Situation and Approaches by Development Partners”

[Date and Time] September 26 (Thurs), 2024, 20:00-21:30 (Japan Standard Time (JST)

[Language] English

[Seminar Style] Open Seminar (Non GPAJ members can participate in the seminar)



Military clash occurred in Sudan in April 2023. Since then, 16 months have passed, but the conflict continues, and humanitarian sufferings become more serious. What is going on in Sudan, and how the international community engages in the situation? In this seminar, inviting 2 guest speakers, learn the current situation and approaches by development partners in Sudan, and discuss ways forward.



20:00-20:05 Opening (Moderator: Mr. Koji Sakane/GPAJ)

20:05-20:25 Presentation by Mr. Yoichiro Ishihara (World Bank)

20:25-20:45 Presentation by Mr. Eiji Kubo (JICA)

20:45-21:25 Q& A and Discussion (Moderator: Mr. Koji Sakane/GPAJ)

21:25-21:30 Closing (Mr. Koji Sakane/GPAJ)







Mr. Yoichiro Ishihara

Country Manager for Sudan,

World Bank


Yoichiro Ishihara is the World Bank Country Manager for Sudan. He is a seasoned macroeconomist with extensive operational expertise, advanced technical skills, and client experience across various regions. He has contributed to the World Bank policy department in Washington, DC, focusing on development effectiveness and results management.

Most recently, Mr. Ishihara served as the World Bank Resident Representative for Lesotho. Before that, he was the Resident Representative and Senior Economist for Bhutan. He has also worked as an economist in Indonesia and as a senior country economist in Afghanistan and Rwanda.

Mr. Ishihara holds a Ph.D. in Development Economics from the Graduate School of International Development at Nagoya University, Japan.







Mr. Eiji Kubo

Chief Representative, Sudan Office

Japan International Cooperation AgencyJICA


Mr. Kubo assumed his current position in July 2023, temporarily based in Cairo. Before that, he was seconded to Ama Town Office, a local government in a remote island of Japan, for two years to promote local revitalization through exchanging local and global knowledge and activities.

Mr. Kubo has about 30 years of professional experiences on international development in JICA, especially private sector development including promotion of private sector engagement with Japanese enterprises. Recently he served as Senior Director of the Private Sector Partnership and Finance Department until 2021.

He also worked at the Embassy of Japan in Israel, the General Affairs Department, the Economic Development Department and the Palestine Office.

He was a visiting professor at the University of Shimane and has a license of the Registered Small and Medium Enterprise Management Consultant in Japan. He holds Bachelor of Law from Tokyo University and Master of Public Policy from University of Michigan.




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